Kids Domain

Timmy the Dream Hunter
Reviewed by Jannean Muehlfeld
Published by Compedia

Age Group: Age 2 to 5
Type: Language Arts
Price: unknown


Timmy the Dream Hunter is a storybook with animated pictures as well as fun activities, which give kids an opportunity to recognize pictures and colors while they learn about the scary things Timmy sees in the dark. Examples of the activities include a memory game which allows the child to match up scary looking eyes peaking out of a goblin trap, coloring pages, and an arcade-style game where kids catch special treats in a grocery basket. The story is one that is familiar to all children at some point and time in their lives: "Bad dreams that include being chased by a monster." When Timmy finally traps the monster, he comes to realize that the monster isn't really scary after all. In fact the monster becomes a dream playmate to Timmy in the end.


  • Lively graphics & appealing animation
  • Deals with common fears about the dark
  • 15 different activities
  • Printable colouring pages
  • Different levels of difficulty.
  • Reinforces memory, colours, and thinking skills.

Technical Aspects:

To install, I placed the CD in my driver, the installation program began itself, then I followed the prompts. A major problem I had with the program was getting the sound and graphics to work together. After cleaning the CD carefully and opening the program from the program manager instead of the auto run, I was able to get them to work without constantly slipping. When the program did slip, I stopped moving the mouse for a few seconds, and it corrected itself. It just takes a while for the detailed graphics to finish loading.

Report and Conclusions:

Timmy the Dream Hunter is a great way to have family computer time. Young children are amazed by the animation as the story is read to them. Some of the animation was on the scary side and you may want to view it prior to showing your children. At this time, my foster children are having bad dreams, and the program gives us a chance to talk about the dreams they are having. Despite the difficulty we had getting the graphics and sound to work simultaneously, I would recommend this program to parents of toddlers to age 5 or 6.

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[A-Z Index - Beginners - Ages 2-5 - Ages 4-8 - Ages 8 up - Grownups]

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